My SE CH Husniya Har Kala Rachi is the Topwinning Salukibitch in Sweden 2013! Thank´s Mrs Sibylle Benoit for my precious girl!

 INT BE, DE, FR, LU & SE CH Hamza Har Kala Rachi no 7 on the list for Topwinning male in Sweden 2013 based on only three shows! Owner Mrs Sibylle Benoit and Michel Eloot.

INT BE & LU CH Zahedan Har Kala Rachi Second Best Progeny male in Sweden 2013!

 INT BE & NL, LUX J CH Barakisch Qannad Ajib- Second Best Brood Bitch in Sweden 2013! Owner Mrs Sibylle Benoit, Har Kala Rachi.

Congratulations to Elisabeth Andersson.
Congratulations to auntie Qabil, SE CH Barakisch Qabil Advie no 14 on the list for Topwinning bitch in Sweden 2013!